David Miscavige - International News

As the driving force behind the worldwide program to expand all of the churches of Scientology to better serve their communities, Mr. David Miscavige has traveled extensively addressing hundreds of thousands of Scientologists and non-Scientologists at international Scientology celebrations and events.

Friday, June 18, 2010

David Miscavige a Biography Creating a New Era of Expansion

David Miscavige works for—and answers to—Scientology’s millions of parishioners. He is unrelenting in his service to their interests and the interests of the religion. The period of stellar growth he has spearheaded has been described as nothing short of the renaissance of the Scientology religion.

As the driving force behind a worldwide program to expand all Churches of Scientology to better serve their communities, Mr. Miscavige led the creation of a new breed of Scientology Churches. These Churches stand as points of succor where all are welcome. These are also the Churches from which Scientologists extend their social betterment programs to mitigate intolerance, illiteracy, immorality and drug abuse.

L. Ron Hubbard expressed the goal of Scientology to create Churches that reflect physically what they provide spiritually:

“You are creating an island of friendliness, decency and succor in the sea of a violent world. ... Some time in the future the islands will become the sea.”

To realize this goal, in 2004 Mr. Miscavige launched a program with the stated aim of making every Church of Scientology into an ideal Church of Scientology—ideal in location, design, quality of religious services and social betterment programs.

Who is David Miscavige? - A Biography

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